
New Class – Back to School for Teachers

Back To School for Teachers

It is Back to School time.  Most people know that a lot of time is spent on the students with their list of supplies that they need!

Hence, this time around we would like to spend some time with our teachers.  They have supplies they need, prep work for assignments, and lots of personalities that need attention.

Monthly Class

Each month I offer an online class designed to help you along your wellness journey.  So for August, I chose a topic that is designed for Teachers, Students, and Parents!  Even Grandparents! We all can benefit from tips for motivation, confidence, focus, and wellness, right? Because of this, this is a class you’re really going to love!

For this reason, stocking up on certain supplies we love to do during certain times of the year. August is a great time to stock up on things you’re going to need this fall and winter. That’s why I decided it’s a perfect time to think about how Young Living can fit in your shopping adventures this month! Therefore for my class is called “Young Living for Teachers”, but it’s for EVERYONE!

Our class will be held in Oils First Workshop on Facebook starting at 8pm Central Time on Thursday, Aug. 9nd.

Here’s the link for this exciting online class:

If you aren’t already a member of this closed educational group, hop over there now and join this private group. I want you to be sure you are set to “Follow” the group and check the “Notifications” tab and select “All Posts.” This will ensure you see everything posted before, during, or after the class. Trust me, you don’t want to miss a thing.

Join Me
Online Class – Young Living for Teachers

I will have a special giveaway for one lucky person who attends this class LIVE.  Even more, it’s something I’ve not given before!

Join me on Thursday, Aug. 9 for this invigorating “Young Living for Teachers” class. Because it’s time to KNOW better so you can DO and FEEL better!

Nancy Todd