• Essential Oil

    3 Days, 20% OFF, 8 Top-Sellers

    3 Days Only – October 24 -26, 2017 3 Days only so, you’ve got to take a look at this GREAT DEAL going on until Oct 26/17. #oilsfirst 20% Off Eight Top-Sellers Eucalyptus Radiata Grapefruit Lavender Lemon Lemongrass Orange Peppermint Thieves Members of our YL executive team are pleased to…

  • Essential Oil

    Select 30 Oil Collection

    Now here’s a little kit that you may not have heard of – Select 30 Oil Collection.  It has all the essentials for you on the road or even at home.  I love the idea of having a case to keep everything in order.  The labels are awesome for knowing…

  • Essential Oil

    A Walk in the Woods

    This woodsy diffuser blend has the perfect balance of citrusy sweetness mixed with pine freshness, for an uplifting scent that is sure to brighten any space. I could get use to this blend.  Need to try. Nancy Webb Todd PS – Bergamot, Frankincense, Pine – Order these oils here.

  • Promos

    Essential Oils Timeline

    You won’t believe how far essential oils have come in history! This timeline tells the story. Read more on the youngliving.com/blog. No other essential oils company is more committed to the quality than Young Living. It’s the only way to get geniune products that are free of harmful synthetics, and…