Essential Oil - Events

Our Emotions and Our Oils

Our Emotions and Our Oils video

The most recent class video is ready for you to view.

Emotions are with us every day and how we handle them is a daily choice.

We do have the opportunity to accept or reject the feelings we have.  It doesn’t take long to make that choice.  You know that because we have an immediate reaction – gasp, no or OMG really!  That immediate reaction can also be countered when we have a negative that we don’t want to hear about.  I just say “delete”.  The part of the brain that receives or rejects can’t tell the nature of our news – just our acceptance or rejection of it.

Our oils (Young Living’s brand) assist us in maintaining our Joy and peaceful countenance and positive spirit in life.  Recognize that I said it “assists” us.

So take a look at our class and then give it some thought.  It’s a journey relearning things that have been patterns in our lives for years.  It is so worth it.  You have a value that someone is eager to know about. You need to share that life value with others.

If you’d like to visit with me, email me at to start the conversation.



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