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  • Essential Oil

    A Walk in the Woods

    This woodsy diffuser blend has the perfect balance of citrusy sweetness mixed with pine freshness, for an uplifting scent that is sure to brighten any space. I could get use to this blend.  Need to try. Nancy Webb Todd PS – Bergamot, Frankincense, Pine – Order these oils here.

  • Promos

    Essential Oils Timeline

    You won’t believe how far essential oils have come in history! This timeline tells the story. Read more on the No other essential oils company is more committed to the quality than Young Living. It’s the only way to get geniune products that are free of harmful synthetics, and…

  • Events

    It’s Time to Build Your Skill

    Are you up for earn some cash for upcoming events or holidays! Well, we just happen to have a class that will get you or someone you know, there. I’ve been with Young Living for 17 years.  My intention was never to “do the business”, but you know how that…

  • Classes

    Your Pets Need Essential Oils Too

    Our class is called “Essential Oils for Your Pets Health”. Have you ever wondered how your pet could benefit from using essential oils? Or could your essential oils be used? This is your chance to learn more; we will answer questions such as – How Much Should I Use? Where…

  • Uncategorized

    Canadian YL Promos for August ’16

    What do you think of these possibilities?  Such an awesome selection.   Plan this months purchases accordingly. Watch for our Back to School 2016 class coming soon. Canadian Catalog Order here. Have an terrific week, Nancy Todd   PS – Questions can be asked at    

  • Essential Oil - Uncategorized

    August 2016 YL US Promo Items

    Young Living always have great gifts for us as we plan our needs each ordering time.  When we reach certain levels, we earn so much value. Check these US August promos for yourself. August PV Promo_Flyer_US   Watch for our up coming class for Back to School 2016!! The latest…

  • Uncategorized

    Expanding your Health Knowledge . . . FREE

    Expanding Your Health Knowledge . . . The Natural Cancer Prevention Summit.  So much great information, that is helpful and directional in nature.  So take a listen. Here is the third day line up, I hope that you can listen to a few of these doctors and speakers. Register to…

  • Classes

    Supporting Brain Power Webinar

    Well, it is almost noon, how is your brain power today?   Are you in a fog OR are you sharp and focused on the task of your day? What do you think dampens your sharpness or focus?  Do you think environment, diet, or day light have an effect? Hey…