, flavor, Vitality EO
Essential Oil

Food Needs Flavor and Nutrition . . . Here’s How to Add More

Flavor can make or break your meal. It happens fast!  In your mouth.  No time to waste. We like familiar flavor but on occasions, we like something new. Be brave often and try this for you next flavor booster.

Have you heard about Young Living Vitality Oils?

Vitality Dietary essential oils are the perfect way to add flavor and nutrition to foods and beverages of all kinds, and to supplement your daily wellness regimen!

Flavor can come from these 4 types of Vitality oils:
  • Herb Vitality – Add flavor and freshness with a drop of your favorite herbs.
  • Spice Vitality – Discover your favorite new way to deliver a culinary kick.
  • Citrus Vitality – Brighten your water, smoothies, and recipes with vitamin-rich citrus.
  • Supplement Vitality – Nutritious drops to support your body and enhance your day.

I’ll share some uses for the Vitality essential oils from my newsletter.

  • Add a little spice to your morning by adding a drop of Cove Vitality or Cinnamon Bark Vitality to your tea.


  • In a blender, Combine 1 serving of
    Chocolate Deluxe Pure Protein Complete,
    a drop of Peppermint Vitality, and a cup
    of ice for a refreshing peppermint shake.


  • Add 2-3 drops of Lime Vitality or Lemon Vitality per serving in seafood recipes or 1-3 drops of Orange Vitality or

You can check them all out here.

To more flavor in your day,

Nancy Todd


Bonus: Simple Vinaigrette Recipe

More flavor with Simple Vinaigrette
Simple Vinaigrette









