
Thieves Oral Care

Thieves Oral Care

Thieves oral care in our personal care line of products is awesome. We like protection from the elements and environment.   Since the Thieves blend has it origins in a time of famine and plaque, it is a great choice for us today. Young Living oral care products do not contain fluoride, dyes, synthetic colors, artificial flavors or preservatives.

Above is pictured the AromaBright and Dentarome Ultra and Kidscents Slique toothpastes, Dental Floss, and Fresh Essence Mouth Wash all with Thieves essential oil.

Three Toothpaste to Select From

The Thieves AromaBright is formulated with the gently cleansing and effective whitening power of our other toothpastes.  AromaBright is perfectly balanced with all-natural ingredients to support healthy gums, strong teeth, and a confident smile.

The most gentle toothpaste, Kidscent Slique Toothpaste, uses Thieves® and Slique Essence essential oil blends in a coconut oil base to gently clean and help young smiles stay healthy and vibrant.

To combat the effects of normal staining with Young Living’s Thieves® Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste. This powerful toothpaste will help you gently brush away daily buildup to reveal a sparkling, healthy-looking smile and fresh breath all day. Dentarome Ultra has a fresh, minty flavor.

Get up close and personal without worrying about your breath!  Stay fresh with Thieves® Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash.  Powered by Thieves essential oil blend for incredibly clean teeth and gums, Thieves Fresh Essence Plus also gives you the cool, invigorating taste of Peppermint and Spearmint essential oils for delicious fresh breath. Rinsing with these naturally derived ingredients for 30–60 seconds will leave your whole mouth feeling fresh, even the areas that a toothbrush or floss can’t easily reach! Best of all, you get these benefits to your teeth and gums without the use of alcohol, synthetic dyes, or artificial flavors. Doesn’t it feel good to put the power of nature to work?

Using Thieves® Dental Floss is an excellent choice for flossing your teeth!  Safe and plant-based, Thieves Dental Floss is infused with the protective benefits of the Thieves essential oil blend.  We all know that brushing with the right toothbrush and the best toothpaste is crucial for a healthy, kissable mouth!  But we often forget the other aspect of oral care: flossing and using mouthwash also play a vital role in maintaining and promoting proper oral health.

If you’d like to get started here is the link.  I will offer you a consultation as well – email me at

First and foremost, have an beautiful day,
