Essential Oil

The Power of Focus

With things opening up after 6 – 8 weeks of being closed – It’s like we have a fresh start.  What was your quarantine time like?  Restful and relaxing; frustrating and so unexpected that you couldn’t keep focused!

You likely had a clear vision of your life and had plans for the dreams you hope to still live out.  I would bring those to the forefront of your mind again – you made it through this season.  Now more than ever you can create a focus on your goals and dreams.

If you haven’t already done so, write down three goals you would still like to achieve in 2020.  The purpose of doing this is not only to teach you how to properly set goals but to also define the goals representing the milestones that will create the path to your dreams.  Some tweaking might be necessary so incorporate those in at this time.

You might think that 3 is not enough.  Ok, but make sure in fact, that you don’t become overwhelmed.  Instead of inspiring a flurry of productive activity, it can be a hindrance brought on by the realization of the work and sacrifice that will be required to reach your goals.  You could always write 3 more later but at least you have achieved your 1st 3 goals.

The key to getting your life moving is to tap into the power of focus. We challenge you this month to pick two goals: one in life and one in your regard to your health.  In life, pick the one obstacle that you feel is holding you back. Set a goal to take steps to overcome it in order to create more balance in your life.

For your health, consider what area you really want to see change for yourself.  Sometimes it doesn’t take a lot to make an improvement.  An essential oil or supplement may be all that is required.  But be intentional about your choice.  If it’s movement, start with walking.  It doesn’t cost anything, is easy on your body but so worth it.

Now, unleash the power of focus.  Read these two goals at the beginning and end of each day. Think of these goals throughout the day.  Every evening before you go to bed, write down the action you will take the next day to move you in the direction of these goals. At the end of that following day, do it again. Then do it again. If you falter, remember why you want to achieve this goal, recommit yourself, and take steps that will help you progress.

Become unstoppable. Be relentless. When you hit a wall, go around it, over it, under it, or keep hitting it until it falls down. Use focus to keep your eyes on the prize and either accomplish your goals or tip over trying. Let the vision of your dream ignite the passion you will need to persevere and overcome.

One of our gurus, Zig Ziglar, said it best: “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” Envision life and your health the way you want it to be.  Be a laser and not a flashlight. A flashlight will only reveal the goal you want, while a laser will stay focused on the target.

Use the momentum you gain by hitting these goals (and you will hit these goals) to spark the change you need to transform your entire life, then move on to 1or 2 more. Then move on to the next 1 or 2 more. Then 1–3 more, and so on.

Young Living has an essential oil called “Envision”.  You may like that to help in this area.  Each morning, apply 1 drop into your palm, rub your hands together, and then apply to the temples.  This oil along with your focus on repeating your goals each morning may be the key to success for you.  You can always start without it!  If you get the feeling of being lost or frustrated, get the oil and see where that will take you.

Here is to your transition and the accomplishment of your goals,
