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    Usage and Safety

    Usage and Safety The three main ways to use essential oils are aromatically topically internally As always, when using essential oils on adults or children, you never want to put them directly into the eyes or ears. You also want to be aware of any blends that may contain citrus…

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    Kids and Essential Oils

    Isn’t amazing the day you bring your little one home for the first time. Maybe a bit overwhelming if it is the very first one. Everything about them is delicate and perfect! As time goes on we get into a smooth routine, one that works for all of us. We…

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    Get Moving – A Slique Class

    Have you started think about the New Year, New Decade yet? Well we are just about around to “resolution” season. I don’t think this is a bad thing to do. It gets us think and reflecting on the year that is about to pass. So we decided to get our…

  • Essential Oil

    Select 30 Oil Collection

    Now here’s a little kit that you may not have heard of – Select 30 Oil Collection.  It has all the essentials for you on the road or even at home.  I love the idea of having a case to keep everything in order.  The labels are awesome for knowing…