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    Five Ways to Dream

    Five Ways to Dream Five ways to dream is something you are capable of.  You can do more than you realize.  Stick with me and check out the 5 ways to live your dream. Summer is such a great time to daydream and plan and be focused on your life…

  • Uncategorized

    A Life Vision – Envision It

    A Drop of Inspiration – – What does it mean to you to have a Life Vision? Envision is an important step in life vision. You are a creative being – God designed. Sometimes this is where imagination comes in too. It can be a hard thing for some of…

  • Essential Oil

    The Power of Focus

    With things opening up after 6 – 8 weeks of being closed – It’s like we have a fresh start.  What was your quarantine time like?  Restful and relaxing; frustrating and so unexpected that you couldn’t keep focused! You likely had a clear vision of your life and had plans…