• Uncategorized

    April 2022 Gift with Purchase

    April’s gift with purchase Always a great selection to choose from and get to know more about and use more – these April Gift with Purchse. Below are a couple of recipes to use your FREE products this month. www.shopoilsfirst.com to select personal care or household products for this month.…

  • Uncategorized

    Simple Swaps

    Swapping Made Easy Daily actions are the key to overall health and longevity. Doing good things consistently makes a huge health impact! As we head into the new year, here are three swaps you can make for creating healthy habits on a daily basis. Faux Fibers for ICP Daily Health…

  • Essential Oil

    We Love Winter Nights

    We Love Winter Nights Winter Nights essential oil blend is a winter staple! This combination of Northern Lights Black Spruce, Peppermint, Cedarwood, and Orange is crisp and cool and reminiscent of softly falling snow. Additionally, Winter Nights fills your home with the peace of crisp midnight air in winter, and…

  • Diffusing Recipes - Essential Oil - Personal Care - Skin Care

    Sacred Frankincense

    Sacred Frankincense Essential Oil Sacred Frankincense essential oil is ideal for those who wish to take their spiritual journey and meditation experiences to a higher level. Sacred Frankincense™ essential oil comes from the distillation of the resin of the Boswellia sacra frankincense tree. Topical: Apply 2-4 drops directly to the…

  • Essential Oil - Personal Care - Skin Care

    One Heart Essential Oil Blend

    One Heart essential oil blend is beautiful. One Heart blend is a combination of these single oils: Ylang Ylang, Valor®, Ocotea, Lime, Lemon, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Spearmint. Young Living uses 100% pure essential oils from around the world; many from their own farms. Young Living’s Foundation reaches out to…

  • Uncategorized

    Get Moving – A Slique Class

    Have you started think about the New Year, New Decade yet? Well we are just about around to “resolution” season. I don’t think this is a bad thing to do. It gets us think and reflecting on the year that is about to pass. So we decided to get our…