
Stevia Use Chart for my Baking

Stevia Sweetener

I was using stevia the other day, as I was making brownies.  My guys don’t like the taste of it on it’s own, so I usually improvise with a combination of sugar and stevia.

I keep forgetting to keep the chart handy, so today I’m putting it here for my sake and maybe yours as well.

I have used the Sweet Leaf brand of stevia for quite awhile now.  Mostly the liquid drops in drinks but I have the  powder also.

So I hope this is helpful to you but it’s mostly for me.  Here is the link to their web site, if you’d like to see what else they have in their line.

Check out these recipes.

Make your day awesome,


PS – Subscribe before you are off for the day. Thanks

PSS – Oh by the way, the brownies are fabulous!!