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    Journal: 21 Days of Encouragement

    I know that you will enjoy using this Journal through out the 21 Days of Encouragement. Anything worthwhile takes time and adjustment to your current normal. Use this time to take that step. You are worth being encouraged, challenged and blessed. The second level to this process would be adding…

  • Food

    Vanilla Lemongrass Green Tea

    Hot or Cold Can you imagine Vanilla Lemongrass Green Tea as your favorite drink? Are you a hot tea drinker or an ice tea drinker? Maybe the season makes a difference for you. I’m a sweet iced tea or water gal this time of the year on one of those…

  • Essential Oil - Food - Food Recipes

    Lavender Lemonade Recipe

    Cool off with delicious Lavender Lemonade any time. Especially great for warm temperatures. Refreshing and relaxing. Brighten your lemonade with organic dried lavender, either with pieces or a sprig. Lavender essential oil lemonade: – 1 1/4 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice with pits removed (you can add pulp to preference)–…

  • Essential Oil

    Let me tell you more . . .

    For Your Health and Wellness So let me tell you more about this amazing group of essential oils that you will want to have on hand to support your health and wellness. Read to the end to see the benefits of these gifts. Frankincense Frankincense essential oil has a broad…

  • Uncategorized

    Gardening + Oils [Monthly Class]

    When it comes to gardening, what zone are you in? If you have no idea what I’m talking about go Google it and come back to tell me!  I assume you will be growing a garden this year? We have answer for these questions — Did you know you can…

  • Essential Oil

    May ’20 US Gift with Purchase

    May 2020 gift with purchase are things that will serve you from the top to the bottom. We have a collection of essential oils that are every day kind of oils. Longevity Vitality Lavender Endoflex Deep Relief Frankincense Take a look at the attached flyer to check out the uses…

  • Essential Oil

    The Power of Focus

    With things opening up after 6 – 8 weeks of being closed – It’s like we have a fresh start.  What was your quarantine time like?  Restful and relaxing; frustrating and so unexpected that you couldn’t keep focused! You likely had a clear vision of your life and had plans…

  • Uncategorized

    April 2020 and Covid19

    Amazing isn’t it that we are well into the 4th month of 2020 already.  We have also been dealing with quarantine issues this past month as well.  How are you doing with this current new reality?  Has it changed your life a LOT, a BiT or NOT TOO much? If…