Myrrh Essential Oil
Essential Oil

Myrrh, “Oils in Scripture”

One of the essential oils we will discuss in our Oils in Scripture class is Myrrh. The Christ-child brought him this resin/essential oil as the Magi celebrated his birth.

Oil of Myrrh


Myrrh essential oil is actually a thick and gummy resin. Harvesting myrrh begins with a gash cut into the tree. From that gash, the liquid-type resin flows slowly out. Once it drains out, the liquid solidifies on the tree’s bark.

Step two will be cutting the resin away from the tree. This process is a lot like what we may have felt like in 2020. Life changes and rough spots change how we look at things. We were stretched and maybe strained a bit, too.

Moving into step three in the process, this resin that is now cut away from the tree is chopped up into fine pieces. Then, low heat is applied, and the gummy resin slowly becomes a thick liquid.

This essential oil was used medicinally in Scripture, and we can do the same today. It supports skin abrasions, sores, and issues that may arise. What child these days doesn’t deal with this?

It is wonderful for grounding and meditation. Why do we need “grounding”? Sometimes, it is hard to calm our minds to do a task or job. When we apply this type of essential oil, we can focus and calm ourselves. We can use a bit of help in our focus and meditative times.

Be Blessed,

Nancy@ Oils First

PSS – If you just can’t wait, here’s the link to all ten beautiful essential oils.