
Moving into Thieves . . . Going Green

Going Green, moving into Thieves is a great choice for Spring – yesterday was the first day of spring! I hope that you’ve had a few days already of spring like weather.

I was cleaning my windows the other day, and so I had the windows open – isn’t it great to have those fresh breeze pushing out the stale air, this is part of moving into Thieves. You have it’s freshness as you clean. Opening the windows is something we should do even in the winter – get those windows open even if it’s just for 5 minutes. It improves our bodies, mind and our homes. Keep that in mind for next winter!

So today I’m bring to your attention a couple of Thieves products that are easy to use and easy on the pocket book as you move into Thieves products.

First – Thieves Household Cleaner. It is literally great for all places that need to be cleaned in your home. There are different strengths that you can use, from light to heavy. So take a closer look at this work horse!

Second – Thieves Hand Purifier. This is a must for me – I use it when ever I leave a shopping experience. You just know that going forward, your vehicle is not carrying those “dirty” items that your hands picked up from the store.

Third – Thieves Foaming Hand Soap. We get raving comments from our guest on this product, it foams but great yet is the cleaning properties. The smell is refreshing and the talk of the house!

Fourth – Thieves Aroma Bright Toothpaste. Bring the Thieves essential oil in to oral care is a right step. Our mouths encounter many things in the course of a day, so start out with it and end your day with this refreshing and guard.

These are four great products to start your journey with Thieves. In our home and on the go; for your body and your health. These can make a difference – they have for us!


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