
Monthly Class – September 13, 2016

Our class in September is called “Essential Oils for Your Pets Health”.  Have you ever wondered about how your pet could benefit with the use of essential oils.  Or if your essential oils could be use?




This is your chance to learn more,  We will answer question such as –

How Much Should I Use?

Where Should I Apply the Oils?

The Topical Application of the Oils

What About using Oils Internally?

My pet is jittery, will the essential oils help “him or her”?  My cat does this _____!  My horse doesn’t like  ____!  Join us to see the answers.
Our class start on September 13, 2016, 7:30pm.  There will be a replay link so sign up even if this time does not fit your schedule.

Here is the link to register for it, do it today, so you are ready.



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