Seasons of Life

Mature Skin Care

Mature Skin Care

It is so much more than what the surface tells us – Mature Skin Care.  We need to look deeper into that.  Does deeper mean harder? NO. The look will require us to change though.

Skin Types

Some of us go through multiple skin changes over course of our lives.  That can be a challenge, but we usually get through with help or advice from others.  Some are eager advice-givers and others are “professionals” that we seek to remedy our “mature skin” situation.  Neither is really bad; quite often where we are in receiving that advice.

Four Skin Types

  • Normal
  • Oily
  • Combination
  • Dry

Where have you been during your lifetime?

I started out with oily in my teens.  Don’t you think we were pretty normal before that!  It was hard!  Blemishes, pimples, and scars!  Were the norm!  But you sure don’t feel normal.  I found it didn’t really matter how everyone else was doing, I was pretty internal with my thoughts and situation.

We know that what we put into our bodies shows up later in other areas other than our mouths and weight.  Often it takes a while for the results to be evident.  Let’s take a look at a few things we can do right away to help ourselves out.


Water makes up 70 % of your body.

You lose 1 ½ quart of water while you are sleeping.  Imagine what you lose in a day, while you are busy.



Watch your veggies.  How many did you eat this week?

Vegetables are designed by nature to have the correct water fiber balance to nourish and feed your body.  I’m not saying you have to be a vegetarian.  We need to transition from so much meat to more vegetables.



Movement can be a dirty work for some people.  But again it’s one of those no negotiables that we should have on our calendars.  When we move we activate our lymphatic system which is one of those automatic systems that we have in our bodies.  What a blessing we don’t have to think about every aspect of making our bodies function effectively!  I think we’d be in trouble if we had to do that too.


Skin Care Products

Skin Care Products are for the surface of our skin.  It’s what everyone sees when you are out and about.  Clean products are becoming easier to find, which is totally awesome.

Chemicals do not do for our bodies what we want them to do long term.  Avoid them.  What goes on your skin goes into your body and your body will have to filter, sort, and eliminate them in time.  What will they do in that process to you!

Your makeup selection is just as critical.  Women use a minimum of 10 products in one morning to get ready for the day.  How many chemicals are in your routine?

You will want to join my class on Skin Care for Every Skin Type.  We will go into so much more info, to take you from where you are today to where you can be.

Since the class link isn’t up yet, I’d recommend that you check out this shopping link.

Have a Blessed Day

Nancy – Oils First

Essential Oils for EveryBody and Every Day!

You can join this class here – (coming soon)

PS – Five Must-Haves for Summer