Essential Oil

KidScents and Health

This post picks up where our newsletter on the subject left off – Kidscents and health support.

We want safe yet effective products for our kids. Their young minds and bodies can be supported by a line of products that is fitted for them.

KidScents Essential Oils

KidScents Essential Oils

Health Support


This blend is amazingly effective! It is rejuvenating, refreshing, and perfect for little lungs.

Here’s what oils are in TummyGize

Spearmint – gentler than peppermint and enhances relaxation

Peppermint – supportive and soothing

Tangerine – rich in limonene (Google the benefits)

Fennel – used as a digestive aid for thousands of years and mentioned in one of the oldest known medical records, the Ebers Papyrus

Ginger – soothes, comforts, and balances

Cardamom – protects the stomach

Anise – a key ingredient in the Essentialzymes supplement

Are you seeing a connection here? –> Little tummies will love this blend!


This blend is amazingly effective! It is rejuvenating, refreshing, and perfect for little lungs.

SniffleEase contains:

Eucalyptus Blue – unique Eucalyptus oil grown in Ecuador

Palo Santo – known as the poor man’s Frankincense

Lavender – balancing and calming

Dorado Azul – recognized as a weed in Ecuador until Gary Young analyzed it for the first time and gave it an identity

Ravintsara – has purifying properties that are a cross between nutmeg and clove

Myrtle – balancing and soothing

Eucalyptus Globulus – also found in Breathe Again and can be soothing to muscles

Marjoram – known as the ‘herb of happiness’

Pine – shares similar properties with Eucalyptus Globulus and their actions are enhanced when combined

Eucalyptus Citriodora – traditionally used as a perfume in linen closets

Cypress – this oil gets things moving!

Eucalyptus Radiata – cleansing and purifying

Black Spruce – releasing and grounding properties

Peppermint – not just good for the belly, opens up the airways too

The four different varieties of Eucalyptus in the blend make it a powerhouse oil.


SleepyIze is perfect for calming and relaxing the mind and body before bedtime (or naptime).  

SleepyIze includes these oils:

Lavender – relaxing, harmonizing, balancing

Geranium – excellent for the skin, but also fosters peace, well-being, and hope

Roman Chamomile – calming, soothing, and perfect for adults, children, and pets

Tangerine – helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle

Bergamot – relaxing to the mind and body

Sacred Frankincense – mood-elevating and relaxing

Valerian – promotes feelings of relaxation and eases occasional restlessness

Ruta (Rue) – sleep-inducing properties

Are you starting to get an idea of the attention to detail that Gary Young displays as you learn about the properties of the different oils that make up these blends? He was meticulous. He did his research and selected just the right oils that when all perfectly paired together would create a blend that was pure magic.

Trust me . . . when you experience this for yourself, you’ll believe in magic too!


The name pretty much says it all, but it involves way more than you are probably thinking. You can grab this oil when your little one has some skin that needs soothing. You can even grab this oil to help ease emotional and mental hurt and stress… an area we may tend to overlook.

A friend shared this story with me: “Last week my son fell off his bike. He was an absolute mess – wouldn’t calm down and just kept showing me his knees. We finally went inside and I applied this oil to his knees. When I applied the oil he calmed down almost immediately. We applied the oil three times a day for the next 3 days and they looked perfect by day 4.”

Children have to work through some of the same feelings and emotions as adults do, but at times it can be harder for them to process. Oils have a powerful impact on the emotional center of the brain and can be a great tool when helping your little ones deal with the emotional trauma of their own.

So what’s in Owie?

Idaho Balsam Fir – soothing and rejuvenating to the body and mind

Tea Tree – cleansing and supports healthy skin

Helichrysum – known for its restorative properties

Elemi – is the same botanical family as Frankincense and Myrrh (great for skin)

Cistus – honey-like scent, used for stress and trauma

Hinoki – energizing and uplifting to the mind

Clove – supports overall wellness, main ingredient in Thieves

You can witness in this blend how intentional Gary was in choosing oils that are useful for our physical body along with our emotional minds to benefit the body as a whole.


Speaking of the mind, that brings us to our last oil in the KidScents Collection –  GeneYus. This blend is perfect for helping young minds focus and concentrates on projects and the task at hand. Let’s be honest … I’ve never met a kid who couldn’t use a little extra help in this area, have you??

This one is ‘THE BOMB’! Just wait until I tell you about all the different oils that make up this blend.

Sacred Frankincense – high in sesquiterpenes which send oxygen to the limbic system of the brain

Blue Cypress -used to aid in the body’s natural response to irritation and injury

Cedarwood – promotes a sense of security and peace

Idaho Blue Spruce – relaxing to the mind and body

Palo Santo – used to purify and cleanse negative energies

Melissa – soothing, calming, good for easing stress

Northern Lights Black Spruce – grounding

Bergamot – mood-lifting properties

Myrrh – balances the production of many vital hormones

Vetiver – grounding, calming, and stabilizing

Geranium – strengthening and revitalizing

Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood – emotionally balancing and grounding

Ylang Ylang – used for balancing both male and female energies

Hyssop – known for its purifying properties

Rose – very high vibrational frequency

Don’t forget . . . just because these oils are part of the KidScent line doesn’t mean that adults can not benefit from them as well, TRY THEM!!

KidScent Personal Care

Supplements – see the newsletter for others


MightyPro is a unique, synergistic blend of prebiotics and probiotics in a supplement specially formulated for children. Packaged in easy, one-dose packets that can be taken almost anywhere you go, this supplement features over 8 billion active, live cultures to support digestive and immune health.*

Featuring a great-tasting formula that can be added to cold food and drinks for easy consumption, MightyPro supports gastrointestinal and immune health and maintains gut health in children, keeping kids up and active. That means fewer missed days of school, daycare, and playing with friends.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Toothpaste – see the newsletter

Bathtime Buddies – see the newsletter


I have to admit this lotion is one of my top three favorites in the many lotions offered by Young Living. I love its light scent and how it makes my hands feel.

KidScents® Lotion contains safe, gentle ingredients to moisturize and soften sensitive skin. The premium blend of MSM, shea butter, aloe vera, and pure Cedarwood, Geranium, and other essential oils supports healthy-looking skin for children of all ages.

With all the handwashing going on, I’m guessing you’re going through more lotion at your house! This might be a good choice to have on hand by your bathroom sink… pun intended!

KidScents Newsletter

You can get the whole newsletter here

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Here’s to a great day,


PS – Kidscents and Health Support a way to choose.