
Kids and Essential Oils

Isn’t amazing the day you bring your little one home for the first time. Maybe a bit overwhelming if it is the very first one. Everything about them is delicate and perfect! As time goes on we get into a smooth routine, one that works for all of us. We may le our guard down a little when we move passed brand new to “I’ve got this”. Good for you – it always feels like an accomplishment when we become comfortable.

Do you agree that our kids are quite resilient and yet with their first tiny, then small and growing bodies we do not take lightly to an additional burden to their bodies? We do not take that resilience for granted.

Kidscent Essential Oils Collection

Has this happened? OH YES

Our bodies are designed for living, so we make take this gift that we’ve been given for granted. When we know that things are working well, we sometimes let little things slip.

Our bodies are tough!

Our bodies are smart!

Our bodies fight for us!

So with all that going for us, why should we not make choices that are supporting and aiding our bodies to go for the long road. Some bodies are granted 70 – 80 years, others not so long. We are hard-pressed to know what makes the difference. Although we all come with the same basic pattern, weakness does show up but so does strength of body.

The Kids

Our kids are born with a complete set of all that they will need for their lives. Making good choices for them, in the beginning, does not total ensure that they will make those same choices throughout their lives.

But it does instill in them how choices do impact the life they live.

Supporting Wellness

We have chosen essential oils as our go-to when raising our boys back when they were 2 & 4 years of age. That is 20 years ago! Have things changed through the years – oh yes, you know it.

But they choose essential oils often for their lives today.

KidScent Products

We didn’t have these ready to use essential oils back in the day. I was concern at times whether or not something might be too strong or did I use enough. But just like you, I have my common sense (intuition) to guide the choices I made. You will have that for yourself when you decided to step into this direction for your family.


The motto we promote is – “Go slow, and go light!” Start with 2 drops of essential oil and diluted it with a carrier oil – like Young Living’s V-6 or another high-quality cooking oil. Some examples are Olive oil, Sunflower oil, Avocado oil, almond oil. You get the picture.

Most often it will depend on the size of your child, how much exposure have they had to essential oils by diffusing. Again start slowly with 5 – 10 minutes of diffusing and then increase the times, as you are comfortable.

Also, apply the oils to their feet first. Essential oils are smart – they know where they need and get there very quickly.

KidScent Essential Oils

There are 5 essential oils formulated “ready to use” for kids.


  • improve the appearance of your child’s skin
  • soothes irritation when applied
  • may ease emotional hurt & stress
  • a must-have for on-the-go


  • rejuvenating blend of 14 essential oils
  • refreshing when applied to the chest
  • fan favorite for all seasons
  • pop on a roller fitment for easy applying


  • quiets little (or big) tummies
  • promotes healthy digestion
  • specifically formulated for kids!


  • sets the environment for restful sleep
  • calming from overstimulation and play
  • apply, inhale or diffuse
  • use a roller fitment for easy applying


  • support young minds
  • apply for extra focus during class, homework time, reading, etc
  • open your child’s inner genius

Every Day products for Kids


  • safe, gentle ingredients to moisturize and soften sensitive skin
  • premium blend of MSM, shea butter, aloe vera, and pure Cedarwood, Geranium
  • supports healthy-looking skin for children of all ages


  • effectively and gently cleanses without causing irritation
  • contains no synthetic perfumes, colors, or toxic ingredients
  • light delightful scent of tangerine and lemon essential oils

Bath Gel

  • a safe, gentle soap that cleanses and protects sensitive skin
  • pH balanced for children’s skin
  • formulated with natural ingredients
  • no mineral oils, no synthetic perfumes, no artificial colorings, no toxic ingredients


  • safe and effective blend that promotes healthy teeth
  • no fluoride, dyes, synthetic colors, artificial flavors or preservatives
  • kids love the light citrus flavor

KidScent Flyer


KidScents Flyer

In conclusion . . .

Pick the place that resonates with you and your child, (children) – you do know the right place. You can start with one item or the whole collection.

I found that once I had a few oils that I was enjoying using, many other ideas and situations came up where I could see and use essential oils could be my first line of defense for healing and maintenance of my boys’ health.

Less invasive, more approachable and desirable by them for support of their bodies.

You’ve got this – if I can do it – so can you.

Decide and Start!

order here www.oils1st.com

Need to chat – reach me at nancy@oilsfirstblog.com