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Indoor Plants . . . List of 15

Indoor/House Plants

Are you into house and indoor plants?  I am – they are so great for our homes and our bodies.  Yes they take work and some attention but the benefits are immense.

I found this article at Cure Joy – so go watch the video and read about each of these benefits.  Then choose a few for your home!

Best Indoor Plants For Air Purification. Read More

  1. English Ivy
  2. Aloe Vera
  3. Snake Plant
  4. Chrysanthemum
  5. Spider Plant
  6. Gerbera Daisy
  7. Red-Edged Dracaena
  8. Bamboo Palm
  9. Peace Lily
  10. Geranium
  11. Boston Fern
  12. Weeping Fig
  13. Chinese Evergreen
  14. Golden Pothos
  15. Azalea

Did you choose at least one?

Make it a great day.


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