Personal Care - Seasons of Life

Hydration for Skin Care


Hydration is essential for Skin Care

Hydration for skincare is an overlooked part of your skincare. Our bodies are 70% water, and we need to replace the water every day.  So dehydration is a BIG deal these days! You will find that many issues associated with being dehydration.
A sign of lack of water is wrinkles, digestive issues, and hand & nail decline.
We lose 1 1/2 quart of water by evaporation through one night of sleep.  If you are dealing with hormonal, it could be more evaporation than normal.

Book Recommendation

The book, Your Bodies Many Cries for Water  is an eye-opener to the many details about the importance of water.  Check this out if you haven’t to expand your learning in regards to your health.

Class option


It is great that we carry a beverage everywhere we go these days.  Unfortunately a lot of time it’s a pop, juice, coffee, or tea instead of water.

Our lymphatic system needs water.  Our lymphatic system moves a lot of our fluids to where they need to be. You have heard about drinking half your body weight in ounces per day.  It seems like a lot but you don’t need to jump to that quantity today.  Build that up over a few weeks.
Class Option – coming soon

My tips for adding more water into your life —

  • Measure what you are drinking already for 4-5 days – to see what you are doing already. Be excited about that – CHEERING YOU ON!!
  • Add  4oz more per day
  • Add that extra water in the morning – first thing each day, before your other drinks
  • Spread your quantity of water over the whole day.
    • 1 qt before breakfast
    • 1 qt before lunch
    • 1 qt before 3:30pm
    • 1 qt before 8:30-9:00pm
  • Now start a new measurement – to see your success with this

Here’s my tracker for this.


According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the brain and heart, the lungs, and the kidneys and muscles are composed of 73%, 83%, and 79% water, respectively. Thanks to Kim Erickson for this article and Dr. Linda Berry for sharing it with me through her email.


  • Aids digestion
  • Supports metabolism
  • Enhances physical performance
  • Promotes weight lose
  • Protects cognition
  • All that water is responsible for a number of critical functions, including:
    • Acting as a shock absorber in the brain and spinal cord
    • Creating saliva and tears
    • Delivering oxygen throughout the body
    • Keeping mucous membranes moist
    • Lubricating joints
    • Providing cells with hydration needed for their reproduction and survival
    • Regulating body temperature through sweat
    • Removing waste products from the body
Water is an essential part of our life.  I have shared with you many details today, any new habits take a while to put in place. They use to say that it took 21 days to carve out a new habit;  recently I heard that it is best if you give yourself 60 days.  So give yourself grace, with an understanding that each day is a new start and a fresh start is possible.  I love that part of life.
I give you a blessing for a great day – do more to get more water in your life.
Nancy – Oils First

Essential Oils for Every Day and Every Body

PS – Make your water tasty with these!

Woman drinking water
Woman drinking water. Hydration is an essential part of good health.