
Good Sleep for Great Energy

Sleep and Stress

Sleep and rest are so important to our health and the well-being of an effective and productive day.  Do you get 8 hours per night?  It is a worthy goal for each of us to strive for.

It is a fact that the quality and quantity of our sleep reveals its self in our levels of stress and sadness.  How do we respond or react to events in our day?  These events shows the level of  stress that we are dealing with.

Let’s get started by taking a look at some statistics:

40% of Americans get less than the recommended amount of sleep

8 out of 10 Americans say they are frequently or sometimes stressed in their daily lives

Only 4% of people say they never felt stressed (must be nice!)

So let’s talk about you!

What is your sleep habits like?  Do you have any of the following challenges:

☑️ Feeling of anxiety every now and then

☑️ People who need their brains to shut off at night

☑️ Men, Women + Children who would like to not be woken up in the middle of the night because their brains like to remind them of past fears and/or traumas while they sleep. Many Military and Veterans have had great success with this set.

☑️ Anyone who has gone through something really painful and struggles to process

☑️ Children that absolutely HATE to be separated from their parents

☑️ Children (or adult children) who really struggle to connect with others because they’ve been hurt

☑️ People who “just can’t people” (get a touch worked up in social settings)

☑️ People who are suffering from grief/loss, emotional blocks, pushing thru emotional insecurities, fear….

Solutions that you may like –

Start some evening to make changes that will help with your sleep.  Does your routine find you doing these things before bed –

  1. Let your mind wander back to everything you didn’t get accomplished that day.
  2. Continue to stress over that argument or phone call that didn’t go your way.
  3. Already find yourself being anxious about everything you have to do tomorrow.

These activities are not conducive for relaxing and sleeping.  So we need to change the habit.

What if your downtime went something like this instead . . . you sit down on the couch, let out a big sigh, and you . . .

  • Celebrate everything that you crossed off your to-do list
  • Feel at peace with the way you handled every situation you faced because you were able to stay calm and relaxed
  • Find yourself looking forward to tomorrow with anticipation of all the blessings that await you

Sound too good to be true?

If that’s you, it’s pretty safe to say you aren’t going to find much peaceful rest waiting for you on the other side of those eyelids.

How about using essential oils that have been great for me, good sleep energy.

RutaVala Roll On

Tranquil Roll On

Roman Chamomile

Dream Catcher

Check out the whole product guide for additional produces


Today, Young Living will have available the Freedom Collection.  That is 2 kits in one collection.

Our Freedom Sleep and Freedom Release collections in a single, limited time offering. You will love this selection of Young Living favorites—especially the blends exclusive to these collections.

Freedom Release Collection
1 – 15 ml Divine Release essential oil blend*
1 – 15 ml Freedom essential oil blend
1 – 15 ml Joy essential oil blend
1 – 15 ml T.R. Care essential oil blend*
1 – 15 ml Transformation essential oil blend

Freedom Sleep Collection
1 – 15 ml AromaSleep essential oil blend*
1 – 15 ml Freedom essential oil blend
1 – 15 ml Inner Harmony essential oil blend*
1 – 5 ml Valor essential oil blend
*Collection exclusive

So you may want to have this Freedom Collection for assisting you with your sleeping habits.

Order from this link:


Coming up on June 11, we will be covering this and more on your Sleep, Stress and Sadness habits.  We all need to have these tools to change up habits that sometime get a hold of us.  Join us so that you can have resources – You don’t need to stay in that place for long! Good Sleep Great Energy

June 11, 2019 at 7:30 pm in  Oils First Workshop

This is a private FB group, so ask to join us.  I have a copy of questions for you to answer – they are not hard!!

Get signed up early and get your Freedom Collection today!


PS – June 11, 2019 @ 7:30pm in the Oils First Workshop