focus lily

Focus – A Drop of Inspiration Guide

How has your focus been? We are here in the middle of summer 20??.  The yard work is slowing down as the grass growth slows, but there is still work to be done. Are you like me? You like to be out in nature, but some jobs are just time-consuming. It’s kind of a paradox—I want to be outside, but I have other work to do as well today.

I know that there will always be jobs to do in other areas of life that demand my attention.  Just for a space of time – FOCUS – on what you are doing right now!  What is especially aggravating is when the tools/machine will not cooperate with my timeline.  You know, the kind of thing where the trimmer string will not stay connected.  One day, I had to re-string the trimmer 15 times!! What is that about?  Who knows for sure, but it was a BIG frustration.  I’m glad no one was around!!

We think multi-tasking is a thing, BUT is it?  How effective are we when we are thinking of several things at once?  Ever put in the wrong ingredient while you were baking?  How about laundry – Did I add soap?  Writing out a check – Did I sign that?

I know that I’m not that different than the rest of you.

Let’s get together and keep it that way for a while.  I need to choose how long I think the project with this “new to you” focus should take.  It is incredible what can be accomplished in a much shorter time than I imagined.

How do I focus?

  •     Choose the task to be completed.
  •     Estimate the time it will take you – with undivided attention
  •     Get into the task with a whole heart and head and all the actions required to finish.
  •     If you have young children, choose a time when they are away, in bed, or with someone else. For older children, give them their own task to focus on—teach them early.

Distractions – Be ready. They always show up!

  • Our minds are very active, and thoughts are constantly running through our heads/brains. We have to decide which ones are valuable to us and what is “trash, untrue, not applicable to me”; always sort. Embrace only those things that support your goals and your heart. If something wanders into your head that is worth keeping, write it down so you don’t forget it. Writing it down will help you know you don’t have to remember to do it later.
  •  We use our phones for everything. Let’s choose not to pick them up during this time. Message centers and answering machines are there for a reason. This is a great time to use them.
  •  I’m sure that you will have other distractions. We all do, and I have been there. Plan ahead! Know how you are doing to handle the things that could derail your project! When you have a plan in place, it does make it so much easier to follow.
  •  If something comes up that needs your attention more than this project, make that choice with joy. Go attend to that situation. Re-schedule this project for another time or day.

I hope that this little excerpt from my day will help you write down what you have on your list. Make each day a day of memories.

To you from me,


PS – These essential oils may be helpful to you

  • Joy
  • Common Sense
  • Brain Power
  • Clarity    
  • Acceptance
  • Hinoki

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