Class for Learning

It’s Time to Build Your Skill

Are you up for earn some cash for upcoming events or holidays! Well, we just happen to have a class that will get you or someone you know, there.

I’ve been with Young Living for 17 years.  My intention was never to “do the business”, but you know how that goes sometimes.  I loved the product(s) and wanted to share them with others. I really didn’t know how little people knew about essential oils.   WAAAY, back then we didn’t use the internet like we do today, Training was minimal but there was some.

Today I have made connections with people around the globe and it is exciting and rewarding to meet new people, be helpful, or just have a conversation.  I’ve taken various business building courses, shared ideas, and started writing – they’ve all enhance my life and are very use full – and not always just for YL.

We each make a choice and get to choose what we do with our days.  If you or someone you know, would like to start a home-based business, this is an a great time and place.  We are starting a 6 week Monday thru Friday training for new and current Young Living members that want to expand their business.

I have teamed up with Joyce (from our monthly classes) and together we are using a course that is designed for us in Young Living.  Please get in touch with me so we can talk about the details.  Let’s be ready to start on September 19th.  Really looking forward to seeing who will join me/us!

Great leaders don’t set out to be leaders.  They set out to make a difference.


PS – Time passes fast get to me today –

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