
April 2020 and Covid19

Amazing isn’t it that we are well into the 4th month of 2020 already.  We have also been dealing with quarantine issues this past month as well.  How are you doing with this current new reality?  Has it changed your life a LOT, a BiT or NOT TOO much?

If you have kids at home now that school has been close – we’ve had a BIG adjustment.  Each day is kind-of its own adventure!  One day at a time is a real thing for us right now.  Remember to take care of yourself and give yourself some slack too.


I hosted a KIDSCENT class in our Facebook group. Our hope with the class is to show you the ready to use products that Young Living has created to take the guesswork out of what to use on your little ones. To that end, no dilution of oils is required but you can if you like – options!!  We like that!

We leave the classes in the UNITS section of our group page so you can go back and look the slides up.  With this class, there is a great quick reference handout to print off and an informative newsletter for your future reference.


Class for May – GARDENING + Oils

Tuesday, May 12, 7:30 pm in the www.facebook.com/group/oilsfirstworkshop 

Will you be growing a garden this year? Did you know you can improve your garden by incorporating essential oils?

Do you struggle with how to keep your pet’s out, unwanted growers at bay, and how to attract more pollinators to promote plant reproduction?

You should plan on joining us on Tuesday, May 12, 7:30 pm.  – click the link above.

Promo for April 2020

Purification, 15 ml

• Freshen your laundry. Add 2 drops of Purification to wool dryer balls, be sure to let
dry fully, and toss in with your load for great-smelling clothes.
• Banish bathroom odors. Moisten a cotton ball with a drop or two of Purification and stash
between the trash can and liner.

Premium Dryer Balls

• Go green in the laundry room. Unlike single use dryer sheets, this set of four wool balls can be used over and over again to reduce drying time and static cling. Any essential oils added
to the balls must dry fully before the balls are put in the dryer.
• Support someone’s fresh start. These dryer balls and the cotton bag they come in provide fair wages to women in Nepal, many of whom are single mothers, widows, and survivors
of trafficking.

Cinnamon Bark, 5 ml

• Make stuffy spaces feel cozy. Add 4 drops of Cinnamon Bark to a glass spray bottle filled
with water and use as a room spray to refresh stale air.
• Make dish duty smell yummy. Put a few drops of Cinnamon Bark in your dish soap for a warm, spicy scent that smells good enough to eat.

Lemon, 15 ml

• Get rid of gunk. Dampen a cloth with 2 drops of Lemon and use it to rub away residue left
behind by stickers, labels, and glue.
• Add some cheer to chores. Diffuse Lemon for an uplifting and energizing aroma as you tackle tough messes.

Clove, 15 ml

• Spice up your cleaning routine. Add a few drops of Clove to your cleaning products for a
warm, cozy scent.
• Refresh your rugs. Make a natural rug deodorizer with 2 cups baking soda and 10–15
drops of Clove or any other essential oil.

Tea Tree, 15 ml

• Tackle tough stains. Make your own sink and shower scrub with 10 drops Tea Tree, 1 cup
baking soda, and 1/4 cup dish soap
• Make bad smells a memory. If your towels still smell after washing, spray them with a mixture of 1/2 cup water, 1/4 cup witch hazel or rubbing alcohol, and 30 drops Tea Tree.

Branded Spray Bottle

• Dabble in DIY. Instead of compromising on iffy ingredients, blend your own botanically based cleaners in this spray bottle.
• Clean with confidence. Thanks to the dilution chart on the back of the bottle, you can ditch any doubt when using Thieves® Household Cleaner.

Eucalyptus Radiata, 15 ml

• Kick out kitchen stink. Diffuse Eucalyptus on its own or with Lemon and Rosemary to get that clean kitchen scent—even if you still have dirty dishes in the sink.
• Make clean smell green. If you don’t love the smell of your vinegar-based cleaning recipes, infuse them with the spa-like scent of Eucalyptus Radiata

Most of these can be ordered outside of the promotions earnings; except the dryer balls and the Thieves spray bottle.  Use this link to place your orders. 


Keeping Connected

Many people have gathered virtually to stay connected and feel like they are still part of a community with the Covid19 quarantine in place.  

Oils First is also holding virtual gatherings at this time.

We will meet on Thursday afternoons for a few weeks; put it on your calendar and join us.

Nancy Todd is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Oils First Gathering
Time: Apr 23, 2020, 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Thu until Jun 4, 2020, 7 occurrence(s)

Let’s have some fun!!

Alright, this is enough for this time around.  This email is to give you options for yourself, your health, your family, and your life.  We believe in the quality standard that Young Living has established for themselves and for us over the past 25+ years.  That is a legacy that is worth supporting.

Be blessed today and this week.

Nancy Todd

Independent Distributor with Young Living
