
Supporting Brain Power Webinar

Well, it is almost noon, how is your brain power today?   Are you in a fog OR are you sharp and focused on the task of your day?

What do you think dampens your sharpness or focus?  Do you think environment, diet, or day light have an effect?

Hey sorry for the “twenty” questions game here at the start but question causes us to think, evaluate and take action.  That is the point of our presentation tonight.  I hope that you have got signed up and are ready to learn.  Get your questions answered and move in a favorable direction, regarding your brain health.

So tonight a friend and I are presenting a webinar on Brain Power.  We have done some studying and wanted to share our finds and thoughts with you.

It really doesn’t matter what age we are to experience brain fog or a loss of focus.  So we our information is generational.

Joyce’s mother has been suffering with alzheimer’s for a number of years.  My father-in-law suffered with it for 6 years and has now passed from it.  My Dad’s twin is coping with it at this time.  As you know, it is hard to see our loved one in this place.  We want to be proactive in our choices for ourselves and want to share with you also. More and more is becoming available for us to know about and to try.  One day there will be a solution, and we hope that it is soon.

Our plan for tonight is to share with you ideas on what to use and how it supported the body.  If you can join us tonight, register here to choose of times.

We will cover these ideas and more:

  • Simply diffusing can be a prime event in brain support
  • Caring for the young, middle aged and aged brain
  • Supporting the brain with nourishment
  • Exercising the brain

We are also providing hand outs for you to have as references, so please join us and we think there is something for everyone to learn.

Contact me at with your questions.    Join the webinar tonight here.  

PS – If this event is passed when you see this post, email me to get the link so you can view at your convenience.

Thank you for stopping by today, bless someone today.

Nancy – 179428         YL Black Logo

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