Essential Oil

Back to School Time for Many Students (Class)

Are You Excite for Back To School Season

I am hosting a Back to School class with my friend Joyce.  As we do with all our classes, we’ve had fun doing this one. Join us to learn more about essential oils for you and your family.

What will you learn?

  1. New to essential oils – introduction to the oils
  2. Oils for kids
  3. Powerful wellness
  4. Homework helpers
  5. Sports essentials
  6. Time Out
  7. School Essential Budget

Please sign up for the event here Back to School Class

You will have a choice of dates to watch this presentation and even if you can’t watch during those times you could catch a replay at your leisure.  So sign up and find some tips for you and your kids this school year.

Have an awesome year.

Nancy @ Oils First

PS – Stay Connect for Updates